An Inspiring Global Community that Serves Powerfully from Love




We are a global community of accomplished creative professional. 

→ We use our creative genius to serve powerfully from love. 

→ We are committed to amplifying our impact and growing our wealth because we are responsible, loving stewards of money.


  • NO. 1

    You are a creative entrepreneur passionate about what you do and who you serve.

  • NO. 2

    You are ready to launch into the next level of income and impact.

  • NO. 3

    You are unwilling to compromise your personal life, well being, and freedom for success because you know that true fulfillment means it’s all included.

  • NO. 4

    You value your freedom and are committed to reclaiming your time and focus on what matters most.


  • "I find it genuinely challenging to answer the question, what was the best part about The Created Life Experience?, because there are too many best parts to choose from. There's the friendships and collaborations that were formed during the powerful weekend. There's the content itself, which I experienced as 6+ months of coaching and healing work somehow folded into 4 days. Being able to brainstorm out loud in an intimate and supportive space with other creative folks provided me with accountability and inspiration for my project. I went from having a fairly casual notion of a book I'd like to write, to seeing it as this living, dynamic, and collaborative thing that I am already in the process of creating. And then there's the space, the energy of TCL, which I've carried back into my day-to-day life in a deeply measurable way. Even my partner has noticed that I move through time and space differently now, that I show up a little more authentically, more rooted in my enthusiasm; that I speak with others from a more open and inviting place; that I'm less scared of my own joy. My self-talk has improved. The way I serve my clients has improved. Everything I was able to step into and experience during the retreat has reverberated out into the rest of my life. This is truly the kind of experience people are talking about when they talk about investing in themselves. Attending TCL was one of the best investments I have ever made, period."

    - Sarah Cook

  • "You know how you experience those moments when you meet someone and immediately know that your life will be forever impacted? Since we met in May, my life has been a constantly leveling up. My grandmother used to say, “Every round, go higher.” Each month has been a leveling up in myriad ways. Some are nuanced and quiet, where Spirit whispers the next step in the stillness of 3am full moon gazing. Then, there’s the thunder clap of The Created Life, that sent shockwaves though my Self and all my parts. The invitation to be seen, loved on, supported, nurtured, and heard was medicine for my “hustle harder” exterior. Your event invited me to wonder about what is possible for me when I accept ease. I heard a resounding “ABUNDANCE! PROSPERITY! PEACE! JOY! LEGACY!” I am living my way into answering the call from my Highest Self and continue to be astonished by the blessings that continue to unfold by proxy of being proximate to your universe. This weekend is Gamechanger. And I already feel the tingle of another level of ascension. Because of your generosity and belief in me, I have been able to bear loving witness to my own power and I am thrilled to be a student of Devon’s. Your magic, sparkle, the trail of stardust you leave when you touch humans is transcendent."

    - Ebony Isis Booth

  • "Amber doesn’t approach life coaching as a career, but rather her calling and the very essence of her being. That’s what makes her the best at it. I always joke that Amber is 948 Years old, but that’s how you feel when you’re with her. She has this incredibly strong, nurturing, grounded energy and wisdom that only comes from thousand year old trees and subconscious whispers in the wind. I started working with Amber last year to help me unblock all the self defense mechanisms I had built within myself to “protect” me against men and finding love. Her sessions were incredibly personal, insightful, and action-oriented, which I particularly appreciated. Tailoring to my personality, she gave me lessons and homework of things to work on and really challenged me to stretch outside of my comfort zone. Today, I am imminently more aware of my tendencies and have made substantial progress in using the tools she has taught me to help heal some of my unhealthy traumas. Working with Amber isn’t just about that 1 hour lesson. She gently nourishes you with confidence, awareness, love, empathy, and encouragement that fills you up and her wisdom and words are with you throughout your day and wherever you go. I highly recommend Amber as a life-coach to anyone lucky enough to get time with her. She’s truly made me a better human and I have no doubt can help you achieve greatness as well. Simply put, a commitment to work with Amber is a commitment to love yourself more. And there’s nothing more important than that."

    - Juliana Berger

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  • “TCL was - life changing. Truly. To be in a space that was not only aesthetically beautiful, but full of high quality, highly conscious, incredibly loving, accepting, caring, focused, honest, and passionate people - to be safe while being challenged - and to be brought together while also being coached separately while also remaining connected in small groups while being facilitated in such a powerfully graceful and impactful way by Amber - this was nothing short of amazing. I walked away from TCL with life-long friends, an elevated commitment to my projects, a renewed sense of passion for possibility, new tools and frameworks I use every day (and teach my teams well), fun quotes and laugh out loud memories, and clear steps forward in both who and how I want to be in this world. The food was amazing too : ) ”

    - Charity Joy

  • "The Created Life Experience was more than I can put into words. It was beautiful. Confronting. Supportive. Challenging. Expansive. Transformational. Loving. I was made aware of blindspots that a part of me wishes I still couldn’t see, but most of me knows will lead to new and important creations. I left the retreat changed, and feeling both exposed and healed. Confronted and loved. Overwhelmed and supported. I am simultaneously celebrating my newly exposed parts, while grieving the parts of me that are gone forever. The estate was beautiful, and the luxury provided much-needed relaxation and relief after playing hard throughout each day. Additionally, we were to bring a project to work on. I didn't know what my project would be prior to arriving, but decided while at the retreat that I am going to write a book! I have outlined the writing process and have started collecting stories. It feels daunting, but the plan I created at The Created Life Experience is helping me take action piece by piece. I am forever grateful for Amber's leadership and for the sisterhood she created!"

    - Laura Days

  • "Served as a deeply necessary respite. Action was found in the intentional rest. My heart and hand were held by both Amber and the space that she so intentionally created. My power was affirmed. I made meaningful connections to other like minded creatives and coaches. I had the freedom to shamelessly create MY way. I was taken care of and loved on without question, when I needed it the most. Within a week of leaving I finished and submitted my six episode treatment for my TV series that I had been putting off for well over 3 years. One weekend in Palm Springs with Amber and her team did that!"

    - NK Gutiérrez